The Grounds: The Polar Express (2004)
The Grounds: The Polar Express (2004)
by The Grounds - ZicketLocation
Sale ended
© 2004 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
When the boy arrives at the North Pole, Santa Claus offers him any gift he desires. The boy asks only for a bell from the harness of Santa's reindeer. But on the way home, the bell is lost. Christmas morning, the boy finds the bell under the Christmas tree, and when he shakes it, the bell makes the most beautiful sound he's ever heard. His mother admires the bell, but she laments that it is broken ... for, you see, only a true believer can hear the sound of the bell.
Located at the iconic Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park on the Central Harbourfront, The Grounds offers a selection of entertainment, food and beverage options for you to enjoy under the iconic Hong Kong skyline.
坐落於中環海濱標誌性地標——香港摩天輪和 AIA Vitality 公園,The Grounds 提供一系列娛樂及餐飲選擇,讓您在香港享負盛名的天際線下享受愉快時光。
Gather the family because we have the ultimate festive event for your calendars! Join us at The Grounds with Little Steps Asia for a holiday movie morning that will fill everyone with seasonal cheer! We’re excited to present an exclusive event tailored for families in Hong Kong. As a leading digital brand for parents, we know how important it is to create memorable experiences that bring families together in a fun and engaging way.
Book Your Tickets Now: Cozy Christmas Movie With Little Steps Asia X The Grounds Get ready to hop aboard the classic holiday film, The Polar Express!
This enchanting animated movie follows a young boy on a magical train ride to the North Pole, where he discovers the true spirit of Christmas. Enjoy a cozy morning filled with warm hot chocolate, festive toasted sandwiches from Fineprint, and plenty of merriment as you watch this beloved tale set against the stunning backdrop of the Hong Kong skyline. All ticket holders are invited to wear their pajamas to the event (pajama jam) and bring your holiday cheer! We will be serving hot cocoa and sugar cookies!
The Grounds 聯乘 Little Steps Asia,為大家準備咗一個獨特嘅親子活動!誠邀你同你嘅屋企人嚟一齊享受充滿節日氣氛嘅假日!Little Steps Asia 作為領先親子電子平台,希望通過不同充滿趣味嘅活動,為家人創造難忘體驗。
依家就即刻訂飛,與 Little Steps Asia X The Grounds 一齊享受溫馨聖誕電影。
準備好坐上經典嘅《北極快車》!呢部動畫電影講述一個小男孩喺通往北極嘅魔幻火車旅程中,發現聖誕節真正意義嘅故事。喺呢個迷人嘅香港維港景觀下欣賞呢套電影,仲可以一邊嘆住熱辣辣朱古力同來自Fineprint 嘅人氣三明治,一邊享受咁特別嘅早晨。我哋邀請你著上最舒適嘅睡衣來參加呢個活動,令呢個充滿節慶嘅早上更難忘!我哋仲會為你提供熱朱古力同曲奇!
There are three different sections at The Grounds:
- Classic (Deck Chairs or Bean Bags)
- Prime (Premium Chairs or Bean Bags)
- Luxe (Premium Leather Sofas or Beds)
在The Grounds 有三個不同的區域:
Exclusive offer for American Express Cardmembers:
From October 23 to December 22, 2024, eligible American Express Cardmember can enjoy 15% savings on all regular priced movie tickets at The Grounds with the promo code "AMEXTG" .
Amex customers can redeem a 15% discount on movie tickets. Simply enter AMEXTG in the promo code box to unlock AMEX discount tickets.
*The offer is only applicable to the purchase of movie tickets through the designated ticketing website and does not extend to any additional add-ons or purchases.
由 2024 年 10 月 23 日至 12 月 22 日,憑合資格美國運通卡及優惠碼「AMEXTG」通過指定訂票網站訂購正價 The Grounds電影戲票可享85折優惠。
The Grounds is a cashless event, you will need a debit or credit card to make purchases. American Express is our preferred payment method.
All movies are played with Chinese Subtitles where available. Please note that subtitles are not available for every title.
The Grounds 恕不接受現金付款,場內請使用信用卡或扣賬卡付款。美國運通是我們的首選付款方式。
Guests are also kindly reminded of the following:
Drinks and cinema treats are available for ordering from The Grounds bar on-site. BaseHall will not be open during this session. We're pleased to announce a special food policy for this one-time event. You're welcome to BYOP - bring your own picnic - to enjoy during the movie.
This means that you can feel free to bring your own food with you to this specific movie session.
Please note that your ticket still includes one cookie from Butter and one hot chocolate per ticket, per person.
*Do note that we cannot accommodate dietary restrictions and food allergies. Items may contain meat, dairy, nuts, gluten, and other allergens.
你可以喺 The Grounds 酒吧購買小食或飲品。此活動期間,BaseHall 將不會開放。為了讓各位可以更盡情享受電影,我們將特別容許參加此場次的入場人士攜帶自己的食物及飲品進場,讓各位欣賞電影的同時,與朋友或家人共享美食。
除了自攜的食品,我們還會為每位持票人士送上一份 Butter 曲奇和一杯熱朱古力。
Headphones will be provided for all movies to enjoy the cinematic experience. Instructions will be provided on-screen before the start of your chosen screening and assistance can be provided by our hosts on-site. Volume is adjustable to suit your needs.
Pods are assigned on a first come first served basis within your pod type.
The management will, from time to time, reserve specific pods at their absolute discretion. Guests are reminded not to sit in a pod marked as RESERVED unless directed to do so by the staff, or guests will be asked to leave that pod and will have to find an alternative from what is available.
The Grounds 擁有預留任何私人花園的絕對權利。除非獲得工作人員的指示,請勿坐在標記了「已預留」的私人花園中,否則我們有權邀請您離開該私人花園。
Additional Seating
Additional seating can be acquired through the purchase of “Solo Seat” tickets (subject to availability) to 4-person pods only.
All additional seating is limited to "Deck Chairs" and may not match with the seats in your chosen 4-person pod, depending on your ticketing tier.
Guests are politely reminded that deck chairs in Classic pods have a maximum comfortable weight loading of 110kg.
Please note that for Classic 4-Person Bean Bag pods, add-on solo seats are only applicable to the back row of seats to respect the view of other ticket holders within the same ticketing type.
你可以通過購買額外的「單人座位」,以添加座位至你的4 人私人花園。
溫馨提示, 「Classic Pod」的躺椅承重上限為110公斤。
另外,為了不影響其他客人的觀賞體驗,如需添加額外座椅到 4人豆袋 Pod中,添加的單人座只能放於後排位置。
How do I add seats to my pod?
On the day of your screening inform our staff at the door upon check-in when scanning your tickets for entry.
When you arrive at the venue inform our staff of your extra seating and they will help add the extra seat to your pod.
如何添加座椅到我的 Pod?
請在當晚入場檢票時向我們的工作人員提出需要額外座椅的要求,他們將會樂意為把座椅添加到你的 Pod 中。
What If There is Inclement Weather?
The Grounds is an outdoor all weather venue.
If The Grounds is unable to open due to inclement weather you will be notified in advance as early as possible. The session will be rescheduled for a future date and your ticket will still be valid.
In the event a session is officially cancelled, you will be able to avail of a transfer to a future session of your choice — subject to availability. To stay up to date, please check The Grounds social media @thegroundshk on Facebook & Instagram before departing on your journey to the venue.
Please note it is at the absolute discretion of The Grounds to determine what does or does not constitute as inclement weather. Unless publicly stated otherwise, your session will not be assumed cancelled. The Grounds session will proceed in the event of rain.
As an outdoor event, The Grounds is subject to prevailing weather conditions. Specifically, rain will not prohibit the screenings of films.
Weather-related postponements will only occur if inclement weather conditions present a danger at screening time. It is at the absolute discretion of The Grounds to determine what does or does not constitute as inclement weather.
Patrons accept that in purchasing a ticket, they are paying for a screening at the venue in Central, Hong Kong and that weather conditions prior to the screening time in other parts of Hong Kong will not result in a screening being canceled or postponed. Patrons accept the risk that weather they consider unsatisfactory may occur on a screening night, and acknowledge that tickets will not be refunded if a screening is postponed to a later date due to inclement weather conditions at screening time.
In the unlikely event that a screening is postponed, information will be posted on the event Facebook and Instagram pages and the customers that made the online purchase of the tickets from our website will be emailed directly.
Please note that Hong Kong’s weather conditions can change rapidly and postponements may need to occur at short notice.
Please contact our ticketing partner Zicket for any ticketing related queries:
The Grounds 是一個全天候戶外活動場地。
如The Grounds因惡劣天氣無法開放,我們將第一時間通知您。我們會為受影響的電影場次重新安排上映日期,您所持有該電影的門票將仍然有效。
若當日場次因惡劣天氣需要取消而未能重新安排上映,您可以憑票選擇其他日子的電影場次 (因應座位供應而定)。請緊貼我們的Facebook 和Instagram @thegroundshk,獲取最新的資訊及安排。
The Grounds 對何謂惡劣天氣有絕對的決定權,除非另作公佈,請不要假定您將參與的活動已被取消。The Grounds 將在微雨天氣下如常開放。
由於 The Grounds 是戶外場地,受天氣影響較大。在下雨的情況下,電影放映有機會如常進行。如惡劣天氣情況可能對放映造成危險,活動才會延期。The Grounds 對何謂惡劣天氣有絕對的決定權。
在活動延期的情況下,相關訊息將會在 The Grounds Facebook 和 Instagram 上公佈;而經網站購票的顧客,我們將會以電郵方式通知有關安排。
如有任何疑問,或欲查詢門票相關事項,請電郵至Zicket :。