The Glen Grant x Random International for "Seasons" 27 Mar | 現場藝術展演
The Glen Grant x Random International for "Seasons" 27 Mar | 現場藝術展演
by The Glen Grant - ZicketLocation
Witness an extraordinary convergence of art and whisky as The Glen Grant single malt scotch whisky partners with post-digital art group Random International for "Seasons" – an innovative live performance painting experience at The Upper House Hong Kong. Marking the release of The Glen Grant’s Splendours Collection and the launch of its exquisite 65-year-old single malt scotch whisky, this unique experience draws inspiration from the cycles of nature in the distillery’s Garden of Splendours.
Part of Swire Properties Arts Month
The Experience
“Seasons” is a custom iteration of Random International’s Pixelography series that took inspiration from The Glen Grant 65-Year-Old whisky, making its debut in the Asian art scene. This proprietary process transforms endlessly reproducible digital source data into striking, hand-painted masterpieces, redefining the intersection between the digital and the physical.
This captivating performance will feature the creation of 65 bespoke artworks over four events, symbolizing the 65-Year-Old decanter and the passage of the four seasons. During the public exhibition, guests will witness the artistic process unfold while savouring a selection of The Glen Grant whiskies, experiencing a multisensory journey into the rich narrative and elegance of the Splendours Collection.
Performance will take place March 27th & 28th. To RSVP for the 28th click here.
What to Expect
● Innovative artistic performance
● Select whiskies and cocktails from The Glen Grant (limited per person, must be 18+)
● A celebration of nature's cycles and time-honored craftsmanship
Limited spaces available and access will be granted on a first come first serve basis within capacity of the space.
Follow @theglengrant on Instagram for behind-the-scenes content and updates.
Must be of legal drinking age to attend. Please drink responsibly.
Note that filming will be in progress at the event.
現場藝術展演:The Glen Grant x Random International
見證藝術與威士忌的非凡交匯!格蘭冠單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌攜手後數位藝術團體 Random International,於香港奕居(The Upper House) 呈獻創新現場繪畫表演—— “季節”(Seasons)。此獨特體驗旨在慶祝格蘭冠全新力作—— “輝煌”系列 (Splendours Collection) 的首發及匠心極致的65年單一麥芽威士忌的誕生, 靈感源自酒廠標誌性的 「輝煌花園」(Garden of Splendours) 的自然四季變化。
日期:2025 年 3 月 27 - 28 日
時間:中午 12:00 - 下午 3:00 (HKT)
地點:The Upper House Hong Kong
*此體驗將作為「太古地產藝術月」(Swire Properties Arts Month)精彩亮點之一
Seasons 是 Random International Pixelography 系列的全新演繹,首次亮相亞洲藝術界。此獨家技術將可無限複製的數位數據轉化為獨一無二的手繪藝術品,挑戰數位與實體藝術的界限。
現場展演將創作 65 幅專屬藝術作品, 象徵格蘭冠65 年威士忌及四季更迭。觀眾可沉浸於藝術家現場創作過程,同時品味格蘭冠精選威士忌,感受 Splendours Collection 的尊貴工藝與豐富故事。
● 前所未見的創新藝術展演
● 精選 格蘭冠威士忌與特調雞尾酒(每人限量,僅限 18 歲以上賓客)
● 頌揚自然循環與匠心工藝的極致體驗
About The Glen Grant
Brothers James and John Grant built The Glen Grant in 1840 as the first distillery in the town of Rothes in Speyside. They left a legacy of ingenuity by engineering the first northern railroad and introducing electric light to both the distillery and the entire town. In 1872, heir James 'The Major' Grant, a charismatic innovator and adventurous traveller, inherited the business. Through his intrepid journeys to destinations around the world, he made inspiring discoveries which led to the creation of his sprawling Garden of Splendours, the only distillery garden of its kind in Scotland. Inspired by his splendid garden, he envisioned a distinctive single malt, engineering tall, slender pot stills combined with unique water-cooling purifiers to create the evocative flavour profile that defines The Glen Grant Single Malt Scotch Whisky to this day.
Now, it is Master Distiller Greig Stables and his team of passionate whisky-makers who carry forward the rich legacy of The Glen Grant, following in the footsteps of predecessor Dennis Malcolm OBE, one of the longest-serving distillers in Scotland. The expert distilling team crafts each whisky from barley to bottle entirely on the distillery grounds, maintaining the distinct character of The Glen Grant whiskies and ensuring the utmost quality.
Instagram @theglengrant
About Random International
Established in 2005, Random International is a postdigital art group exploring the impact of technological development on the human condition. Best known for their large-scale interactive installations, the group works across an array of media including sculpture, light, kinetics, video, print, and sound. Led by founders Hannes Koch (b.1975, Germany) and Florian Ortkrass (b.1975, Germany), the group comprises a global team of complementary talent with studios in London and Stockholm.
Random International’s practice is fuelled by research and scientific discovery, channelling an irrepressible collective energy into acts of public co-creation. Following its premiere at London’s Barbican Centre, their celebrated artwork Rain Room (2012) has been exhibited around the world, attracting exceptional visitor numbers and significant online attention. Random International’s work is in the collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Sharjah Art Foundation, and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
Instagram @randominternational
關於格蘭冠(The Glen Grant)
格蘭冠(The Glen Grant)由 James 與 John Grant 兄弟於 1840 年創立,成為蘇格蘭斯佩賽(Speyside)地區羅斯(Rothes)鎮的第一間酒廠。他們開創先河,不僅修建了當地第一條北部鐵路,還將電燈引入酒廠與整座城鎮。1872 年,James "The Major" Grant 少校繼承事業,他富有魅力,不懼創新,亦鍾愛旅遊,到處冒險,透過周遊世界獲取各地靈感,並由此打造了蘇格蘭獨一無二的酒廠花園——「輝煌花園」(The Garden of Splendours)。他從花園汲取靈感,構想出一種與眾不同的單一麥芽威士忌,並研發頸部高挑細長的蒸餾器與獨特的水冷凝淨化器設備,締造格蘭冠令人回味無窮的獨特的風味。
如今,首席釀酒師 Greig Stables 與其團隊承襲這份深厚傳承,延續前輩 Dennis Malcolm OBE(蘇格蘭任職時間最長的釀酒師之一)的匠心精神,在酒廠內部完成從大麥到裝瓶的全程精心打造,確保格蘭冠威士忌的獨特風格與純粹品質的完美傳承。
關於 Random International
成立於 2005 年,Random International 是致力於探索科技對人類影響的後數位藝術團體,以大型互動裝置聞名,涵蓋雕塑、燈光、動力藝術、影像、版畫及聲音等多領域。由創辦人Hannes Koch(1975年生於德國)與Florian Ortkrass(1975年生於德國)領導,Random International匯聚來自全球的多元才華,並在倫敦與斯德哥爾摩設有工作室, 匯聚全球藝術人才。
Random International 以研究與科學探索為驅動力,透過作品邀請大眾共創藝術體驗。其代表作 Rain Room 於倫敦 Barbican Centre 首展後,陸續巡迴全球,吸引無數觀眾與網絡關注。Random International的作品被多家國際知名藝術機構收藏,包括洛杉磯縣藝術博物館(LACMA)、紐約現代藝術博物館(MoMA)、沙迦藝術基金會(Sharjah Art Foundation)及倫敦維多利亞與艾伯特博物館(V&A)。
Instagram @randominternational