Standup Comedy Showcase @ Basehall 2

Thursday, 20 Jul 2023
20:00 — 22:00 HKT

Standup Comedy Showcase @ Basehall 2

by Backstage Comedy - Zicket


BaseHall 2 1 Connaught Place Central HK

Sale ended

Backstage Comedy shows are back with the summer shows featuring all the top Hong Kong comedians and the best of the up and coming talent!

An Indian, a Chinese American, an American Chinese and an Egyptian walk in to a bar. The Indian guy says, "Hey, what are you guys doing Thursday night?" The Chinese American says, "stand-up comedy" and the rest say, "Oh, ok. Me too."

Come see some funny people tell jokes that are completely thought out and actually funny on Thursday July 20!

Your lineup for the evening:

Jordan Leung

Vivek Mahbubani

Garron Chiu

Mohammed Magdi

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