AIA Vitality Hub - Restful Nights; rituals for better sleep

Sunday, 16 Mar 2025
12:00 — 13:30 HKT

AIA Vitality Hub - Restful Nights; rituals for better sleep

by AIA Vitality Hub - Zicket


Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park 33 Man Kwong Street Central HK

Sale ended

AIA Vitality Hub - Restful Nights; rituals for better sleep

Join us for a transformative 1.5-hour workshop on World Sleep Day, led by renowned expert Sonia Samtani. Discover the secrets to achieving restful sleep and enhancing your overall well-being. This engaging session will guide you through building a personalized night routine, incorporating morning affirmations, and practicing effective closing rituals to release limiting beliefs. Sleep is essential for a healthy mind and body—learn how to embrace it fully.

為慶祝世界睡眠日,誠邀您參加一場由知名專家Sonia Samtani帶領的1.5小時工作坊。您將探索獲得優質睡眠的秘訣,並學習如何提升整體身心健康。這場充滿啟發的課程將引導您打造專屬的夜間儀式,融入晨間對自己的積極肯定,並透過有效的結束儀式釋放內心的雜念。睡眠是身心健康的基石——讓我們一起掌握方法,享受優質睡眠。

About AIA Vitality Park

AIA Vitality Park at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel is a brand new wellness area at the iconic Central Harbour front which promotes fitness, exercise, and healthy living.

位於中環海濱HKOW香港摩天輪旁的AIA Vitality Park是個推廣運動及健康生活為主題的運動公園,各種不同類型的精彩活動將會在此舉行。

You are recommended to bring your own equipment such as towel and spare clothes. Please keep warm and wear comfortable sportswear to enjoy the workshop.


Earning AIA Vitality Points (For AIA Vitality members only):

AIA Vitality members can claim 50 AIA Vitality points by participating in this free class and declaring their attendance on AIA Vitality online platform. AIA Vitality may verify your points earning record by checking your attendance. Please click here for details

賺取「AIA Vitality 健康程式」積分(「AIA Vitality 健康程式」會員適用):

「AIA Vitality 健康程式」會員可透過報名吸及出席此活動。並在AIA Vitality 網上平台表明已參加上述活動,便即可獲得50積分。「AIA Vitality 健康程式」可能會查核您的活動出席記錄,以決定是否符合資格獲得有關積分。您亦可按此了解賺取積分詳情。

Emergency contact:

Zicket will collect data for an emergency contact for all participants of any sports class organized at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel. This data will not be shared with any third parties or used for marketing purposes and will only be used in the event of an emergency involving the registered participant.

RSVP information:

TECL reserves the rights in deciding the final RSVP list. We will inform you by email if the workshop is cancelled.

TECL 對是次活動擁有修改及取消的權利。如果取消活動,你將會收到電郵通知。

Accident waiver and release of liability agreement:

When you sign up to an AIA Vitality Park Event, you agree to the accident waiver and release of liability agreement here:

當您登記參加 AIA Vitality Park 的活動時,代表你同意是次活動為風險自負的活動和同意以下條款,請量力而為及注意安全:

Friendly Reminders:

Please be aware that photos taken in events may be used for the promotional purposes in the future.


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