AIA Vitality Hub New Joiners Muay Thai 新會員專場:泰拳

Monday, 03 Mar 2025
18:30 — 19:15 HKT

AIA Vitality Hub New Joiners Muay Thai 新會員專場:泰拳

by AIA Vitality Hub - Zicket


Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park 33 Man Kwong Street Central HK

Sale ended

AIA Vitality Hub New Joiners Muay Thai 新會員專場:泰拳

As part of our Rethink Healthy month, this class is perfect for NEW AIA Vitality Hub Joiners to improve their health and learn some exciting body movements. With our Muay Thai class, students will learn the basic: fighting stance, footwork, fist, elbow and knee techniques. These movements are demonstrated and explained through step-by-step details. (As this class is for first timers, regular AIA Vitality Hub participants should book other sessions.)

作為我們「再想健康月」活動的一部分,本課程非常適合新加入 AIA Vitality 健康總部的朋友來改善健康狀況,並學習一些有趣好玩的運動。透過我們的泰拳課,學生將學習基本的格鬥姿勢、步法、拳頭、手肘和膝蓋等技巧。這些動作將由教練進行詳細的示範和解釋。(由於此課程是為初次參加者而設,AIA Vitality健康總部的常客請預約其他課程)

About Rethink Healthy Month

Every day, we are bombarded with images of what health should look like—daily workouts, strict diets, toned physiques. It can seem like an exclusive club for a select few, leaving many feeling excluded and unmotivated to pursue healthy behaviours.

However, health isn’t one size fits all. It's time to change the way we see health. It’s time to Rethink Healthy and embrace small steps that matter.

The AIA Vitality Hub, celebrating its second anniversary with over 100,000 registrations, is here to help you discover how to incorporate health into your routine in ways that are accessible and achievable including classes just for new joiners and outdoor sessions. It’s about finding what works for YOU!


每日我們都被不同的健康定義轟炸 - 每日運動、嚴格飲食餐單、健美體態。這似乎是少數人的專屬俱樂部,讓許多人感到被排斥導致失去追求健康生活的動力。


AIA Vitality健康總部慶祝成立兩週年,登記人數已超過 100,000 人,我們將協助您探索如何將健康融入日常生活中,並採用方便且易達標的方式,包括專為新加入朋友開設的課程和戶外活動。讓您可以找到適合自己的方法!

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