AIA Carnival | 友邦嘉年華

Thursday, 18 Jan 2024
16:00 — 23:00 HKT

AIA Carnival | 友邦嘉年華

by AIA Carnival 友邦嘉年華 - Zicket


Central Harbourfront Event Space 中環海濱活動空間 9 Lung Wo Road 龍和道9號 hong kong 香港 HK

Sale ended

香港最喜愛的大型戶外活動,友邦嘉年華今年冬季會回到中環海濱。 Hong Kong’s much-loved outdoor event, the AIA Carnival is back this winter at the Central Harbourfront..





Hong Kong’s much-loved outdoor event, the AIA Carnival is back this winter at the Central Harbourfront. A not-to-be-missed annual tradition for many, and a time for everyone to create new wonderful memories.

(*On the first day of the event 21st December 2023, the event will open at 4pm)

今年,友邦嘉年華會隨著節日而變身,由普天同慶的聖誕到慶祝除夕元旦直至農曆新年… 以及更多驚喜節目,無論第一次還是再次到訪嘉年華的朋友都會有全新獨特體驗。


This year, the AIA Carnival will transform over the festive season from a Christmas wonderland, to a New Year’s celebration, to a Chinese New Year spectacle… plus many more surprises up our sleeves. Making each and every visit a unique experience for both new and returning guests.

Your favourite rides and games will return alongside new world-class attractions, instagrammable installations, and delicious food stalls. A visit to the AIA Carnival is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Join us this winter!



Book online now for the best prices

Save yourself time and money. Enjoy quick access via the Advanced Booking queue and buy your AIA Carnival tickets for a discounted price when you get them online.

How to buy tickets online 如何網上門票

1. 選擇日期及門票類別

2. 選擇付款方式以完成購買過程

3. 列印門票或到訪時於流動裝置出示電子門票

4. 提前網上購票,更快享受友邦嘉年華的歡樂

1. Select your preferred date and ticket type

2. Complete your purchase by using your preferred payment method

3. Print out your electronic ticket or have the digital ticket available on your mobile device when you arrive

4. Enjoy the online advance queue and enjoy your day at the AIA Carnival!

Off-Peak, Standard, and Peak Days

非高峰時段, 普通時段, 及高峰時段


  1. 門票適用於21/12/2023 -25/2/2024 任何日子 (2024年1月12日及1月18日除外)
  2. 友邦嘉年華(以下簡稱 "嘉年華")的門票發放和入場須遵守我們的規則,規章守則載於網站 及嘉年華入口。
  3. 每張門票在營業時間內單人單次入場有效。請於官方網站及社交平台查看每天之營業時間
  4. 歲以下兒童和 65 歲或以上長者可免費入場。任何享有此優惠的人士可能會被工作人員要求出示有效證件以核實其資格。
  5. 特惠門票包括 3 至 11 歲的兒童和殘障人士。殘障人士須向嘉年華出示有效證件正本。 11 歲或以下兒童 必須由 15 歲或以上人士陪同。
  6. 根據友邦嘉年華的票務條款和條件(可在www.aiacarnival.com查閱),門票不可轉讓、不可交換、不可退款,並僅在票券上列印的日期有效。門票更換的相關規定詳見票務條款和細則。
  7. 嘉年華可因天氣、安全、維修或任何其他原因,更改嘉年華或景點的營業時間、臨時關閉嘉年華場地或其任何部分,或暫停個別遊樂設施的運作,恕不另行通知,亦不作退款或補償。
  8. 嘉年華嚴禁下列活動(a) 食用在嘉年華外購買的食物或飲料; (b) 出售商品或服務,事先徵得同意者除外; (c) 進行商業攝影或攝像,事先徵得同意者除外; (d) 分發任何種類的印刷品或錄音材料; (e) 未經許可的活動、示威或演講,或使用任何旗幟、橫幅或標誌,以及其他未經許可的公眾集會; (f) 玩耍或操作遙控飛行裝置; (g) 從事任何不安全的行為或其他可能妨礙嘉年華或任何相關設施運作的行為。
  9. 除持有有效身份證明的服務動物外,嘉年華不允許攜帶寵物或動物入場。
  10. 參觀者接受並同意嘉年華可能會出於商業目的拍攝和使用您的圖像或錄像。
  11. 參觀者同意遵守工作人員為確保安全和秩序而發出的所有通知和指示。
  12. 嘉年華有權拒絕非法、不安全或令人反感的行為,或在我們認為有必要的情況下,拒絕其入場, 或要求其離開嘉年華場地,而不給予退款或賠償。
  13. 除法律規定外,在任何情況下,我們均不對您遭受的任何損害、損失或人身傷害承擔責任,無論該損害、損失或人身傷害是由我們的疏忽還是其他原因造成的。
  14. 如有爭議,嘉年華保留對爭議及其他門票事宜的最終決定權。
  15. 中英文條款如有歧義,概以英文版本為準。
  16. 本條款及細則受中華人民共和國香港特別行政區法律管轄,並按其解釋。
  17. 本條款及細則可隨時更改。如需了解完整的條款和細則,包括電子代幣及RFID卡的條款及細則,請參閱。

Terms & Conditions

  1. This ticket is valid for any day from 21/12/2023 to 25/2/2024 (except 12/1/2024 & 18/1/2024).
  2. Issue of tickets and admission to the AIA Carnival (‘Carnival’) are subject to our Rules and Regulations which are set out in the website at and at the Carnival entrance.
  3. Each ticket is valid for one person single entry during the operational hours. Please refer to the event website for specific opening hours for each day.
  4. Children under 3 years old and Seniors aged 65 or above are permitted entry for free. Any Person entitled to this offer may be requested by our staff to produce a valid document for verification of eligibility.
  5. Concession includes children aged 3 to 11 years and people with disabilities. An original copy of a valid document for people with disabilities must be presented to the Carnival. Children aged 11 or below must be accompanied by a person aged 15 or above.
  6. Ticket is non-transferable, non-exchangeable, non-refundable and only valid on the printed date of the ticket. Ticket Exchanges in the Ticketing Terms and Conditions available at
  7. Carnival may, without prior notice and without refund or compensation, change the operating hours of the Carnival or attractions, close the Carnival grounds or any part thereof temporarily, or suspend the operation of individual rides for weather, safety, maintenance, or any other reason.
  8. The following activities are strictly prohibited in the Carnival: (a) Consumption of food or drink purchased outside the Carnival; (b) Sale of goods or services except with prior consent; (c) Commercial photography or videography except with prior consent; (d) Distribution of printed or recorded materials of any kind; (e) Unauthorised events, demonstrations or speeches, or the usage of any flag, banner or sign, and other unauthorised public gatherings; (f) Playing or operating remote-controlled flying devices; (g) Engaging in any unsafe act or other act that may impede the operation of the Carnival or any associated facility.
  9. No pets or animals are permitted in the Carnival, other than service animals with valid identification.
  10. Visitors accept and agree that the Carnival may take and use your images or video recordings for commercial purposes.
  11. Visitors agree to comply with all notices and directions by any member of staff with the purpose of ensuring safety and order.
  12. The Carnival reserves the right to deny admission, or to require removal from the Carnival grounds, without refund or compensation, for illegal, unsafe or offensive behaviour, or if we consider that the circumstances so require.
  13. Except where required by law, under no circumstances are we liable for any damage, loss or personal injury suffered by you, whether the same is caused by our negligence or otherwise.
  14. In the event of disputes, the Carnival reserves the right to make final judgment on the dispute and otherwise in respect of tickets.
  15. In the event there are inconsistencies between the English and Chinese Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
  16. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
  17. These terms and conditions can change at any time. For full and conditions, including e-token & card terms and conditions, please visit

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