AIA Alta Presents The World Circus | 友邦峻宇呈獻世界雜技團 (Standard 標準)

Friday, 20 Dec 2024
16:30 — 22:00 HKT
From: $175.00 HKD

AIA Alta Presents The World Circus | 友邦峻宇呈獻世界雜技團 (Standard 標準)

by AIA Alta World Circus - Zicket


Central Harbourfront Event Space 中環海濱活動空間 9 Lung Wo Road 龍和道9號 hong kong 香港 HK

Shows commence 18th December 2024 – 9th February 2025 演出日期2024年12月18日至2025年2月9日

To receive the Early Bird Discount, enter the promo code 10BIRTHDAY and click ‘Apply’ before selecting your ticket type. Once you click ‘Apply’, you will see the discount applied to all ticket prices.

請在選擇門票種類之前輸入優惠代碼10BIRTHDAY 並點擊Apply以獲取早鳥門票折扣。點擊Apply 後,您將看到所有折扣後的早鳥門票價錢。

來自英國的 Gandeys雜技團集合了全球各地最精彩的全新表演,在千呼萬喚下再次重臨友邦嘉年華,為香港觀眾呈獻精彩絕倫的表演。 Gandeys雜技團是世界上最具歷史的雜技團之一,40多年來足跡遍布全球,入場觀眾不但可觀賞令人心跳加速的雜技演出,還會被風趣幽默的演員引得發笑。 無論你是第一次觀看雜技團表演還是忠實粉絲,這次的表演陣容一定會讓你驚心動魄! 在友邦嘉年華全新的大型帳幕下,這65分鐘的表演將帶你入雜技娛樂世界。

Gandeys Circus is one of the world’s longest-running circuses. They have traversed the globe for over 40 years, gathering both heart-pounding acts and hilarious performers along the way. By popular demand, the World Circus returns to Hong Kong, live at the AIA Carnival. Direct from the UK, Gandeys Circus has sourced acts from all over the globe to bring back crowd favourites and present all-new performances that Hong Kong has never seen before. Whether this is your first circus or you are a seasoned fan, this line-up is guaranteed to have you on the edge of your seats. Under the Big Top at the AIA Carnival, this 65-minute show will take you on a journey around the world of circus entertainment.


How to buy tickets online

  1. 選擇日期,場次及門票類別
  2. 選擇付款方式以完成購買過程
  3. 打印門票或到訪時於流動裝置出示電子門票
  4. 經網上預先購票通道進場享受表演

  1. Select your preferred show date and time, and the ticket type
  2. Complete your purchase by using your preferred payment method
  3. Print out your electronic ticket or have the digital ticket available on your mobile device when you arrive
  4. Jump in the advance booking queue and enjoy the show!


  1. 每張世界雜技團("雜技團")門票均包括進入友邦嘉年華。
  2. 3歲以下兒童免費,但不提供座位,應坐在父母/監護人的膝蓋上。
  3. 雜技團場地在演出開始前 30 分鐘開放。
  4. 每場演出時間約為 1 小時(無中場休息)。
  5. 團體預訂或任何其他票務查詢,請聯絡。
  6. 雜技團帳幕位於友邦嘉年華內。請在友邦嘉年華大門口出示您的雜技團門票,以便進入。
  7. 座位没有編號,於所購門票的區域自由挑選座位,先到先得。
  8. 門票不可轉讓、不可退換、不可退款,且僅在門票所列印的日期有效,第3.2條款除外。票務條款及細則中的換票規定可在www.aiacarnival.com網站查閱。
  9. 如演出取消,可退回票面價格款額。
  10. 雜技團保留更改票價的權利,恕不另行通知。
  11. 演出期間禁止閃光攝影。
  12. 除非雜技團另有許可,否則嚴禁在雜技團園區內使用無人機飛行。
  13. 雜技團或其他授權方可不時在雜技團園區內對賓客進行攝影和/或錄像和/或其他保安監控。雜技團對這些資料保留任何形式的促銷、廣告或宣傳物品中的永久使用權利。
  14. 本網站信息僅供參考。儘管雜技團盡力更新本網站發布的信息,但對任何不準確之處概不負責。歡迎瀏覽友邦嘉年華官方 Facebook 及 Instagram 頁面 @AIACarnival 以了解最新消息。
  15. 觀眾接受並同意雜技團可以拍攝和使用你的圖像或錄影用於商業用途。
  16. 觀眾同意遵守工作人員為確保安全和秩序而發出的所有通知和指示。
  17. 雜技團有權拒絕非法、不安全或令人反感的行為,或在我們認為有必要的情況下,拒絕其入場,或要求其離開友邦嘉年華場地,並不予退款或賠償。
  18. 除法律規定外,在任何情況下,我們均不對你遭受的任何損害、損失或人身傷害承擔責任,無論這些損害、損失或人身傷害是由我們的疏忽還是其他原因造成的。
  19. 如有爭議,雜技團保留對爭議及門票事項的最終裁決權。
  20. 中英文條款如有歧義,概以英文版為準。



Terms & Conditions

  1. Entry to AIA Carnival is included with each The World Circus (‘Circus’) ticket purchase.
  2. Children under 3 years are free of charge, but will not be provided with a seat and should sit on the knees of a parent/guardian.
  3. Circus foyers open 30 minutes prior to the scheduled performance start time.
  4. Duration of each performance is approximately 1 hour (with no interval).
  5. Please contact for group bookings or any other ticketing enquiries.
  6. The Circus tent is located inside the AIA Carnival. Please display your Circus ticket at the AIA Carnival gate to get access.
  7. Seats are not numbered. It is free seating in the section relevant to the ticket purchased on a first-come-first-served basis.
  8. Ticket is non-transferable, non-exchangeable, non-refundable and only valid on the printed date of the ticket, with exception of clause 3.2. Ticket Exchanges in the Ticketing Terms and Conditions available at
  9. In the event of cancellation, face value of the ticket purchase price can be obtained.
  10. The Circus reserves the right to alter admission prices without notice.
  11. Flash photography is prohibited during the show.
  12. Unless otherwise permitted by the Circus, drone flying for any use is strictly prohibited in the Circus premise.
  13. From time to time the Circus or other authorised parties may carry out photography and/or video recording and/or other security monitoring within the Circus premise which may feature visitors. The Circus reserves the right to use these materials in perpetuity in any promotional, advertising or publicity material in any format.
  14. The information on this website is meant for reference only. While the Circus endeavours to keep the information published on this website up to date, the AIA Carnival is not liable for any inaccuracies. Visitors are encouraged to refer to the AIA Carnival official Facebook and Instagram pages @AIACarnival for the latest updates.
  15. Visitors accept and agree that the Circus may take and use your images or video recordings for commercial purposes.
  16. Visitors agree to comply with all notices and directions by any member of staff with the purpose of ensuring safety and order.
  17. The Circus prohibits illegal, unsafe or offensive behaviour. The Circus reserves the right to deny admission or to require removal from the AIA Carnival grounds, without refund or compensation if we consider that the circumstances so require.
  18. Except where required by law, under no circumstances are we liable for any damage, loss or personal injury suffered by you, whether the same is caused by our negligence or otherwise.
  19. In the event of disputes, the Circus reserves the right to make final judgment on disputes and in respect of matters related to tickets.
  20. In the event there are inconsistencies between the English and Chinese Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

These Terms and Conditions can change at any time. For full Terms and Conditions,

including AIA Carnival Terms and Conditions, please visit

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