AIA 友邦好生活節 | AIA One Billion Week

Friday, 02 Aug 2024
15:00 — 23:00 HKT

AIA 友邦好生活節 | AIA One Billion Week

by AIA One Billion Week – Zicket


Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park 33 Man Kwong Street Central HK

Sale ended


「AIA友邦好生活節」將於7月27日至8月4日在中環海濱 AIA Vitality公園快樂登場!場內將設有多項健康體驗及合家歡活動,包括Ninja Challenge、戶外Video Game、摩天輪天空之鏡、Chill Zone慢活空間、為運動健兒打氣區、不同主題的趣味工作坊等等。健康無價,「AIA友邦好生活節」則完全免費!誠邀您一同參與,實踐「健康長久好生活」。

運動​ ‧​ 好生活
號召各方好手一起挑戰中環第一個戶外Ninja Challenge​,參與工作坊嘗試及學習​忍者障礙運動​​的基本技巧及知識,或於​時間挑戰賽​​上​與其他高手一較高下,好好發揮強壯體能及加強心臟健康,挑戰11個不同關卡!

Ninja Challenge工作坊

  • 適合新手參與,此活動將由專業持牌教練帶領下教授參加者有關忍者關卡Ninja Challenge基本技巧包括身體擺動、手眼協調、跳躍技巧、增強握力及攀爬能力等等
  • 適合6歲至60歲﹝10歲或以下小童需由家長/監護人陪同下參與﹞
  • 每個環節約50分鐘

Ninja Challenge時間挑戰賽

  • 適合Ninja Challenge愛好者與其他高手一較高下,參賽者需要以最快時間完成整個障礙關卡,與其他參賽者一較高下,凡在中途跌落的參加者需於限時內重新排隊,重頭開始完成障礙關卡
  • 適合16歲或以上人士
  • 每個環節約50分鐘


  1. 建議您帶備個人用品,如毛巾、飲用水和備用衣服。活動開始前,建議您塗上防曬霜、蚊怕水。請根據天氣情況穿上舒適的運動服裝享受活動的樂趣。
  2. 為確保活動順利及準時開始,Ninja Challenge 參加者請提前活動開始至少20分鐘前到達,其他活動請提前活動開始至少5分鐘前到達,以便進行健康及安全檢查。課程開始後,遲到者將不允許進入。如活動開始的5分鐘前尚有空餘位置﹝Ninja Challenge工作坊:最多5個空缺;Ninja Challenge時間挑戰賽:最多10個空缺﹞,將會開放給當日在場的臨時參加者即時報名參與。
  3. 參加者開始任何以上所談及的環節之前,必須因應個人身體狀況作出判斷是否適合參與活動。於活動前必須簽署免責聲明,並且活動當天必須身穿合適衣物。活動的專業教練在存有懷疑的情況下,保留取消任何年齡或能力問題不適宜參加者參加的權利,而相關人士必須接受教練的最終決定。
  4. 計劃趕不上變化!如無暇出席活動,請透過Eventbrite取消預約或發送電郵到help@zicket.co聯絡有關職員作出時間調配,好讓其他參加者能夠參與。
  5. 請注意,活動期間拍攝的照片及影片可能會被AIA用作宣傳用途。
  6. 請妥善保管個人財物,如有丟失AIA概不負責。


  1. 所有活動名額有限,請及早網上報名。
  2. 所有門票均為免費,每張門票只供一人進場。屆時請展示報名確認電郵及/ 或門票上的QR Code以方便在場工作人員作出登記。
  3. 為了使更多公眾能參與此活動,每位參加者每次最多只能訂購兩張門票。
  4. Ninja Challenge時間挑戰賽只適合16歲或以上人士參與
  5. Ninja Challenge工作坊10歲或以下參加者必須由父母或監護人陪同下方可參加活動
  6. 18歲以下參加者必須由父母或監護人代為填寫報名表。 聯絡資料一欄必須為父母或監護人資料,而參加者資料必須填寫在門票資料一欄﹝電郵地址必須為家長/ 監護人的電郵地址)。
  7. 在取得閣下的書面同意下,有關個人資料可能會被用作直接促銷。有關更多友邦(國際)有限公司(香港分行)及Zicket使用個人資料以用作直接促銷的政策,請參閱 AIA 個人資料收集聲明Zicket隱私政策
  8. 如有任何爭議,AIA保留對爭議及報名其他事宜作出最終決定權。
  9. AIA 對是次活動擁有修改及取消的絕對權利。如取消活動,您將會收到電郵通知。

This summer, AIA launches “Rethink Healthy” brand campaign on both sides of Victoria Harbour with the aim to encourage one billion people to live “Healthier, Longer, Better Lives” by 2030.

AIA One Billion Week
Starting from 27 Jul to 4 Aug, the “AIA One Billion Week” event will take place at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel at AIA Vitality Park! There will be multiple wellness experiences and family activities, including Ninja Challenge, Outdoor Video Games, Sky Mirror, Chill Zone, Cheering Zone for athletes, immersive workshops with various themes and more. We believe that health is priceless, so “AIA One Billion Week” is completely free! We wholeheartedly invite you to participate in the event and experience the meaning of “Healthier, Longer, Better Lives”.

Sports ‧ Good Life
Central's first outdoor ninja challenge welcomes skilled participants to compete with peers during a timed challenge or participate in workshops to learn basic Ninja Challenge knowledge and skills. You can exercise your strength and boost heart health by conquering 11 obstacles!

Ninja Challenge Workshop

  • Suitable for beginners, certified Ninja coaches will teach basic Ninja Challenge skills and techniques, including swinging, hand-eye coordination, jumping techniques, and climbing ability.
  • Suitable for ages 6 to 60 (children aged 10 and under must be accompanied by a parent/ guardian)
  • Each session lasts approximately 50 minutes

Ninja Challenge: Timed Challenge

  • Suitable for skilled participants to compete with peers. Participants compete to complete the entire obstacle course in the fastest time. If the participants fall, they must line up again and restart the challenge
  • Suitable for ages 16 and above
  • Time limit is 50 minutes

Friendly Reminder

  1. It is recommended that you bring personal items such as towels, drinking water, and spare clothes. Before the activity starts, it is suggested to apply sunscreen and mosquito repellent. Please wear comfortable sportswear according to the weather to enjoy the activity.
  2. To ensure a smooth and timely start to the activity, please arrive at least 20 minutes before Ninja Challenge begins, and at least 5 minutes before other activities begin for health and safety checks. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter after the session has begun. If there are any available spots 5 minutes before the start of the activity concerned (Ninja Challenge Workshop: up to 5 vacancies; Ninja Challenge Timed Challenge: up to 10 vacancies), they will be open for on-site participants to register immediately.
  3. Participants must assess their physical condition before participating. A waiver must be signed before the activity, and appropriate clothing must be worn on the day of the activity. Professional coaches of the activity reserve the right to cancel the participation of any individual deemed unsuitable due to age or ability issues, and the relevant individuals must accept the coach's final decision.
  4. We understand that plans can change! If you are unable to attend the session, please cancel your reservation through Eventbrite or contact the relevant staff by sending an email to to reschedule, so that other participants can join.
  5. Please be aware that photos and videos taken during the Event may be used by AIA for promotional purposes.
  6. Please take good care of your personal belongings. AIA is not responsible for any loss or damage.

Registration Instructions

  1. All activities have limited slots, so please register early.
  2. All tickets are free, and each ticket of a registered activity entitles for one (1) person’s admission only. Please present the registration confirmation e-mail and/or the QR Code on the ticket for verification by the on-site staff.
  3. To allow more members of the public to participate in this activity, each participant can only book a maximum of two tickets each time.
  4. Ninja Challenge Timed Challenge is only suitable for individuals aged 16 or above.
  5. For the Ninja Challenge Workshop, participants aged 10 or below must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  6. Participants aged below 18 must have their registration form filled out by a parent or guardian. Contact Information refers to the parent/guardian’s information, while ticket information refers to the participant’s information (Email address must be the email address of the parent/guardian).
  7. With your written consent, the personal data may be used for direct marketing purposes. For more details on AIA International Limited (acting through its Hong Kong branch) and Zicket's policy for the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes, please refer to the AIA Personal Information Collection Statement and Zicket Privacy Policy.
  8. In the event of any disputes, AIA reserves the right to make final judgement on the disputes and other registration matters.
  9. AIA reserves the absolute right to modify and cancel the Event. In case of cancellation, you will be notified via email.


「AIA友邦好生活节」将于7月27日至8月4日在中环海滨 AIA Vitality 公园快乐登场!场內将设有多项健康体验及合家欢活动,包括Ninja Challenge、户外Video Game、摩天轮天空之镜、Chill Zone慢活空间、为运动健儿打气区、不同主题的趣味工作坊等等。 健康无价,「AIA友邦好生活节」则完全免费!诚邀您一同参与,实践「健康长久好生活」。

运动 · 好生活
号召各方好手一起挑战中环第一个户外Ninja Challenge,参与工作坊尝试及学习忍者障碍运动的基本技巧及知识,或于时间挑战赛上与其他高手一较高下,好好发挥强壮体能及加强心脏健康,挑战11个不同关卡!

Ninja Challenge工作坊

  • 适合新手参与,此活动将由专业持牌教练带领下教授参加者有关Ninja Challenge基本技巧包括身体摆动、手眼协调、跳跃技巧及攀爬能力等等
  • 适合6岁至60岁(10岁或以下小童需由家长/ 监护人陪同下参与)
  • 每个环节约50分钟

Ninja Challenge時間挑戰賽

  • 适合Ninja Challenge爱好者与其他高手一较高下,参赛者需要以最快时间完成整个障碍关卡,与其他参赛者一较高下,凡在中途跌落的参加者需于限时内重新排队,重头开始完成障碍关卡
  • 适合16岁或以上人士
  • 每个环节约50分钟


  1. 建议您带备个人用品,如毛巾、饮用水和备用衣服。活动开始前,建议您涂上防晒霜、蚊怕水。请根据天气情况穿上舒适的运动服装享受活动的乐趣。
  2. 为确保活动顺利及准时开始,Ninja Challenge参加者请提前活动开始至少20分钟前到达,其他活动请提前活动开始至少5分钟前到达,以便进行健康及安全检查。课程开始后,迟到者将不允许进入。如活动开始的5分钟前尚有空余位置(Ninja Challenge工作坊:最多5个空缺; Ninja Challenge时间挑战赛:最多10个空缺),将会开放给当日在场的临时参加者即时报名参与。
  3. 参加者开始任何以上所谈及的环节之前,必须因应个人身体状况作出判断是否适合参与活动。于活动前必须签署免责声明,并且活动当天必须身穿合适衣物。活动的专业教练在存有怀疑的情况下,保留取消任何年龄或能力问题不适宜参加者参加的权利,而相关人士必须接受教练的最终决定。
  4. 计划赶不上变化!如无暇出席活动,请透过Eventbrite取消预约或发送电邮到 联络有关职员作出时间调配,好让其他参加者能够参与。
  5. 请注意,活动期间拍摄的照片及影片可能会被AIA用作宣传用途。
  6. 请妥善保管个人财物,如有丢失AIA概不负责。


  1. 所有活动名额有限,请及早报名。
  2. 所有门票均为免费,每张门票只供一人进场。 届时请展示报名确认电邮及/ 或门票上的QR Code以方便在场工作人员作出登记。
  3. 为了使更多公众能参与此活动,每位参加者每次最多只能订购两张门票。
  4. Ninja Challenge时间挑战赛只适合16岁或以上人士参与。
  5. Ninja Challenge工作坊10岁或以下参加者必须由父母或监护人陪同下方可参加活动。
  6. 18岁以下参加者必须由父母或监护人代为填写报名表。联络资料一栏必须为父母或监护人资料,而参加者资料必须填写门票资料一栏(电邮地址必须为家长/ 监护人的电邮地址)。
  7. 在取得阁下的书面同意下,有关个人资料可能会被用作直接促销。有关更多友邦(国际)有限公司(香港分行)及Zicket使用个人资料以用作直接促销的政策,请参阅 AIA 个人资料收集声明Zicket隐私政策
  8. 如有任何争议,AIA保留对争议及报名其他事宜作出最终决定权。
  9. AIA 对是次活动拥有修改及取消的绝对权利。 如取消活动,您将会收到电邮通知。

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